Une autre bombe vient d'éclater dans le monde de l'athlétisme. La reine des Jeux Olympiques de Sydney en 2000 avec ses 5 médailles, Marion Jones vient d'avouer qu'elle était dopée depuis 1998, mais à son insu. C'est supposément son méchant vilain entraîneur qui lui aurait fait croire qu'elle prenait de l'huile de lin...quand même pas mal non.
Marion que j'admirais tant...oui vous avez bien vu, je conjugue au passé, parce que pour moi et beaucoup d'autre gens, elle ne restera jamais que du passé...elle restera pour le reste de sa vie un Imposteur, une voleuse, une tueuse de rêves. Je prends ces cas personnels, car ces tricheurs rendent mon travail auprès des jeunes presque impossible aujourd'hui. Je m'étais pourtant promis de ne plus parler d'athlètes sales quand ils se font pincer, mais la c'est plus fort que moi. On parle de Marion Jones...
Marion que j'aimais tant, celle avec un grand charisme et surtout un sourire contagieux. Celle que j'ai interviewé à Monte Carlo lors du Grand prix en 2002 lors de ma tournée d'adieu dans le monde de l'athlétisme comme sprinteur, celle qui faisait toutes les pages couvertures des plus grands magazines au monde mais qui est devenu à tout jamais qu'une référence de tricherie et de honte.
Cela me fait penser, serait-elle le big fish (un gros poisson) qu'on aurait attrapé au Olympique de Sydney, quand j'ai reçu cet appel anonymat d’un individu qui était au service médical lors des contrôles anti-dopage?
Bon arrêtons ici, cela est un autre dossier. De toute façon il y a eu que le nom de l'athlète américain C.J Hunter qui est sorti. Il est gros certes, mais n'est pas un big fish...C.J. Hunter qui était le mari de Marion à cette époque. Coïncidence peut être?
Le problème avec tout ça est de savoir comment je vais expliquer aux jeunes qu'ils peuvent gagner des médailles sans dope, quand ils ont pour référence les Ben Johnson Champion Olympiques des JO de Séoul en 1988, pris pour dopage, Justin Gatlin Champion Olympique des JO de Sydney en 2000, pris pour dopage, Tim Montgomery ancien recordman du monde sur 100 mètres, pris pour dopage et maintenant Marion Jones?
Ces athlètes sont en train de tuer mon sport, un sport si noble, si beau. Pour moi ce n'est même plus un sport, c'est un art, quand on le pratique de façon honnête...Citius, Altius, Fortius la devise Latin qui veut dire plus vite, plus haut, plus fort...
Quel jeune n'a jamais rêvé d’être Citius, Altius ou Fortius de son quartier, son école, sa classe? Aux JO tout le monde attend de voir qui sera couronné l'homme le plus rapide au monde. Malheureusement, beaucoup d'entre ces Dieux du stade ne respectent pas les lois et le sport en lui même. Tout ce qui compte dorénavant c'est le titre absolu.
Vaut-il la peine de se doper au risque de nuire à sa santé? Est ce que ça vaut vraiment la peine quand on risque de se faire prendre la main dans le sac et d'être une référence de tricherie comme Ben Johnson, Tim Montgomery, Justin Gatlin ou Marion Jones? La question je vous la pose.
Allez sur http://www.brunysurin.com/ et répondez moi. J'afficherai vos réponses. Merci
Mon prochain Blog sera sur les 10 meilleures excuses des contre-performances.
Cette chronique est une gracieuseté des suppléments Xistence. http://www.xistence.ca/
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
They are killing my sport
Yet another bomb has exploded in the world of track and field as the Olympic Queen, who brought home 5 Olympic Medals for the United States at the 2000 games in Sydney has admitted to doping since 1999. By admitting to this, she has tried to waive the fault and wrong doing directly to her coach, who provided her with what she apparently thought, was flax seed oil…
Marion Jones, an athlete I previously admired, yes you read that right, the statement was made in the past tense primarily because she will always remain in the past and be known as an imposture to the public, a thief, a cheat, a killer of dreams. I take these situations very personally as these cheaters make my job much harder when passing on the message that everything is possible with hard work. At one point I decided to no longer speak of athletes who were caught doping, but in this case, the person at hand is bigger than me, we are talking about Marion Jones and I could no longer keep silent.
Marion, an athlete I previously admired because of her charisma and contagious smile. The same Marion that I interviewed in Monte Carlo in 2002 after the Grand Prix Final; The same Marion Jones that made the cover page of most of the worlds largest and most well known newspapers and magazines. The same Marion Jones that now has become yet another reference to cheating and dishonesty in sports.
This brings back thoughts and memories of an anonymous phone call I received from someone at the lab after the anti doping was administered just after the conclusion of the 2000 Olympic Games, that a big fish was caught. Was she the big fish (a big named athlete) that was caught doping in Sydney?
Well let’s move forward, that is entirely another argument, either way there were plenty of names that came forth such as the United States athlete C.J Hunter. He is a big athlete, but no big fish in my eyes. C.J Hunter at the time was the husband of Marion, coincidence?
The problem that this creates for me occurs when I am speaking to children about how it is possible to win medals without doping, when we see figures such as Ben Johnson 1988 Olympic Champion, Justin Gatlin 2000 Olympic Champion and Tim Montgomery former 100m world record holder all cheat and test positive for doping, and now we add Marion Jones to this list that holds no bearings whatsoever in history other than a group of athletes who tried to cheat and were caught doing so.
These athletes are in the midst of killing track and field, my sport, a sport that is noble, graceful and beautiful to watch. For me it is not even a sport, it is an art form that is practiced and perfected. Citus, Altius, Fortius from old latin meaning faster, stronger, higher.
What child has not wanted to be Citius, Altius or Fortius in their neighbourhood, school and class? At the Olympic Games, the entire world watches to see who will be crowned as the fastest human on earth. Unfortunately, many of these deemed gods do not respect the laws or the respect the sport itself. They are searching for the title without the work ethic.
Is it worth it to dope and risk your health for 15 minutes of fame? Is it worth it to dope and be classified in history as a cheater alongside of the names of Ben Johnson, Tim Montgomery, Justin Gatlin or Marion Jones? Is it worth it to live your life as one big lie?
Log onto http://www.brunysurin.com/ and voice your answers on my personal blog.
My next blog will be on the top 10 excuses of a poor performance.
This article has been made available to you by Xistence Supplements. http://www.xistence.ca/
Marion Jones, an athlete I previously admired, yes you read that right, the statement was made in the past tense primarily because she will always remain in the past and be known as an imposture to the public, a thief, a cheat, a killer of dreams. I take these situations very personally as these cheaters make my job much harder when passing on the message that everything is possible with hard work. At one point I decided to no longer speak of athletes who were caught doping, but in this case, the person at hand is bigger than me, we are talking about Marion Jones and I could no longer keep silent.
Marion, an athlete I previously admired because of her charisma and contagious smile. The same Marion that I interviewed in Monte Carlo in 2002 after the Grand Prix Final; The same Marion Jones that made the cover page of most of the worlds largest and most well known newspapers and magazines. The same Marion Jones that now has become yet another reference to cheating and dishonesty in sports.
This brings back thoughts and memories of an anonymous phone call I received from someone at the lab after the anti doping was administered just after the conclusion of the 2000 Olympic Games, that a big fish was caught. Was she the big fish (a big named athlete) that was caught doping in Sydney?
Well let’s move forward, that is entirely another argument, either way there were plenty of names that came forth such as the United States athlete C.J Hunter. He is a big athlete, but no big fish in my eyes. C.J Hunter at the time was the husband of Marion, coincidence?
The problem that this creates for me occurs when I am speaking to children about how it is possible to win medals without doping, when we see figures such as Ben Johnson 1988 Olympic Champion, Justin Gatlin 2000 Olympic Champion and Tim Montgomery former 100m world record holder all cheat and test positive for doping, and now we add Marion Jones to this list that holds no bearings whatsoever in history other than a group of athletes who tried to cheat and were caught doing so.
These athletes are in the midst of killing track and field, my sport, a sport that is noble, graceful and beautiful to watch. For me it is not even a sport, it is an art form that is practiced and perfected. Citus, Altius, Fortius from old latin meaning faster, stronger, higher.
What child has not wanted to be Citius, Altius or Fortius in their neighbourhood, school and class? At the Olympic Games, the entire world watches to see who will be crowned as the fastest human on earth. Unfortunately, many of these deemed gods do not respect the laws or the respect the sport itself. They are searching for the title without the work ethic.
Is it worth it to dope and risk your health for 15 minutes of fame? Is it worth it to dope and be classified in history as a cheater alongside of the names of Ben Johnson, Tim Montgomery, Justin Gatlin or Marion Jones? Is it worth it to live your life as one big lie?
Log onto http://www.brunysurin.com/ and voice your answers on my personal blog.
My next blog will be on the top 10 excuses of a poor performance.
This article has been made available to you by Xistence Supplements. http://www.xistence.ca/
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